Thursday, August 14, 2008

Marie Diamond

Marie Diamond

Marie Diamond is an internationally known Feng Shui Master. She has been practicing for more than 20 years, refining the knowledge given to her at an early age. Born in Belgium , she was trained as a lawyer and criminologist and worked for the Belgian and European governments and then as a project manager for a multinational publishing company. She has training and experience in all forms of management including Human Resources, Marketing, Safety, and Sales.

She is now one of the top transformational leaders in the world, consulting with and teaching people in more than 30 countries. She has recently been recognized by other top transformation leaders, including Rhonda Byrne, director of the movie "What Is the Secret?" Rhonda interviewed 70 of the most powerful transformational teachers and thinkers in the world -- Marie was included on this distinguished list.

Her unique approach of combining eastern philosophies with her traditional training led her to connect with a variety of businesses. Her work with Heinen Safety, one of the top safety management companies in Europe , included consulting with petrochemical giants BP-Amoco and Total Fina. She used her Diamond Feng Shui tools and her unique approach to energy to impact the environment of the employees and workspace, creating a place of safety and well-being. As a result, these companies logged a unique result: over 5 million man hours over 5 years without a major accident.

Marie moved to the U.S. five years ago and since then, has connected with numerous Hollywood celebrities, major film directors and producers, music giants, and famous authors. She has helped many well-known public figures create more success in all areas of their lives. Clients that allow their names to be used by Marie include the author Jack Canfield from Chicken Soup for the Soul and Success Principles; a product sales company, Learning Strategies; and the music icon, Barbara Orbison of Roy Orbison Productions. Her Diamond Team consists of 30 consultants in 10 different countries who are trained in her methods. Marie provides on-going support for their world-wide consulting. Together, she and her team have helped companies increase yearly profits by a minimum of 25% up to 1100% in just one year!

She is part of the Transformational Leadership Council created by Jack Canfield, which includes such respected members as Bill Harries, John Gray, John Assaraf, DC Cordova, Paul Scheele, and many others.

She has been featured in several TV and Film projects including “The Secret” (2006), “I Married a Princess” (2005), and “The Jerry Hall Heaven and Earth Show” (2005). Her current projects include writing books, creating several large real estate projects and the creation of an e-commerce site. She is a wonderful speaker for business and special events with a focus on how to create abundance and happiness in business.

Marie is the Feng Shui specialist and the Chinese astrologer for and

Marie has been happily married for 15 years to a wonderful, supportive husband and has three beautiful children. She is surrounded by wonderful friends and supporters and continually meets wonderful people wherever she travels in the world. She has indeed manifested a life that is loving, abundant, and supported.

