Thursday, August 14, 2008

Alan Cohen

Alan Cohen

Alan Cohen is the author of over a dozen popular inspirational books, including the classics, The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore and I Had It All the Time. He is a contributing writer for the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series. The Celestine Prophecy author, James Redfield describes Alan as "the most eloquent spokesman of the heart," and Dr. Wayne Dyer declares, "Alan Cohen is a major, major player in the spiritual transformation taking place on the planet today. I love his work and want people to read and APPLY his message." Alan's column "From the Heart" appears in many New Thought newspapers and magazines internationally.

Mr. Cohen resides in Maui, Hawaii, where he conducts seminars on spiritual awakening and visionary living. The Mastery Training is a highly focused small group intensive for individuals seeking to bring greater authenticity, love, and integrity to their chosen goals. Celebrating Paradise invites participants to reclaim their inner riches in a spirit of greater joy and aliveness. Alan also keynotes and presents workshops at many conferences and expos throughout the United States and abroad.

Alan brings a warm blend of wisdom, intimacy, humor, and vision to the spiritual path. He loves to extract spiritual lessons from the practical experiences of daily living, and find beauty in the seeming mundane. Many readers and seminar participants have reported that his teachings have brought them deep comfort, encouragement, and empowerment as they moved through a difficult or transitional phase of their life.

